
Windows95/98 from Microsoft are single user, multi tasking operating systems for the PC home market. Windows NT is a multi tasking operating system for office PCs with restricted multi user capabilities (like file access and process protection). They all use (basically) the same GUI.


Task bar: important part of the Windows GUI , usually at the lower side of the desktop, which contains a list of active applications, a display area for special programs (e.g. the system clock) and the ``Start'' menue.

Start menue: basic pull up menue which allows to start all installed applications and many programs for system configuration. It further contains a list of all recent documents, which can be started automatically by their respective application. Additional menue items help searching for files, call the system help or exit Windows.

Frequently used programs or documents can be put on the desktop as little images (``icons'') and started by a double click with the mouse. Another desktop icon is the trash can, which deletes files that are dragged over it.

Explorer: basic program for file handling. It contains an area to display the complete directory tree and another one to show the content of one directory.

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Peter Junglas 8.3.2000