
 *  poisson.h

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>

 *   constants

#define  EPS     2.0E-4     /* max. global error */
#define  IT_MAX  1000       /* max. no. of iterations*/

#define  QUAD_DIST    0.40   /* geometry parameter of charge distribution */

#define  TAG_DOWN     1
#define  TAG_UP       2
#define  TAG_RING     3

 *   data types

typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} Boolean; 

typedef struct
   int gx;      /* global array, x size */
   int gy;      /*   y size */
   int lx;      /* local array, x size */
   int ly;      /*   y size */
   int llc_x;   /* lower left corner of local array in global array, x coord */
   int llc_y;   /*   y coord */

} Decomposition; /* describes the decomposition of an array */
                 /*    (without ghostpoints) */

typedef struct
   MPI_Comm   comm;        /* communicator with topology */
   int        me;          /* my rank */
   int        up;          /* rank of upper neighbour */
   int        down;        /* rank of lower neighbour */
   int        my_x;        /* my x coordinate */

} Grid;  /* describes the processor grid */

 * function declarations

int startup(int argc, char *argv[], Decomposition *oned, Grid *grid1d);
void oned_init(dmatrix *a, dmatrix *b, dmatrix *f, Decomposition oned);
void exchange(dmatrix a, Decomposition oned, Grid grid1d);
double sweep1d(dmatrix a, dmatrix f, dmatrix b, Decomposition oned);
double exchange_and_sweep1d(dmatrix a, dmatrix f, dmatrix b,
                     Decomposition oned, Grid grid);
void dump(dmatrix a, Decomposition oned, Grid grid);
void finalize(dmatrix a, dmatrix b, dmatrix f, Grid *grid);

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Peter Junglas 11.5.2000