
#include "array.h"
#include "poisson.h"

dump(dmatrix a, Decomposition oned, Grid grid)
   /* prints out the local array with global indices, */
   /* using a token ring scheme for synchronisation */

   int          x, y;
   int          token = 0;
   MPI_Status   status;
   double       scale;

   scale = oned.gx * oned.gy;

   MPI_Recv(&token, 1, MPI_INT, grid.down, TAG_RING, grid.comm, &status);
   for (x = 1; x <= oned.lx; x++)
      for (y = 1; y <= oned.ly; y++)

         printf("%03d %03d      %10.3lf\n",
                x + oned.llc_x - 1, y, INDEX(a, x, y)/scale);

   MPI_Send(&token, 1, MPI_INT, grid.up, TAG_RING, grid.comm);

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Peter Junglas 11.5.2000