
   trace of an NxN matrix blockwise distributed on a PxP grid

              trace size
       size:       linear dimension N of global array


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>

 *  datatypes
typedef struct {
  int   dim;        /* linear dimension of the quadratic grid */
  int   row;        /* row position of current task */
  int   col;        /* column position of current task */
} Grid;

 *         function declarations
void Startup(int argc, char *argv[], Grid *grid, int *mysize_p);
void MakeMatrix(int **C, int N, Grid grid);
int PrintTrace(int *C, int size, Grid grid);

void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  Grid grid;              /* geometric information of a task */
  int *C;                 /* local part of matrix */
  int localsize;          /* size of local submatrix */
  int trace;
  int i;
  /* start tasks and broadcast infos */
  Startup(argc, argv, &grid, &localsize);
  /* initialize matrix */
  MakeMatrix(&C, localsize, grid); 
  /* compute and print the trace of the result matrix */
  trace = PrintTrace(C, localsize, grid);

  /* root prints the global result */
  if ( (grid.col == 0) && (grid.row == 0) )  {    /* I'm the root */ 
    printf("************** Total trace = %d **************\n", trace);

  /* clean up and exit */

void Startup(int argc, char *argv[], Grid *grid, int *mysize_p) {
  /* get matrix size and dimension, start tasks and broadcast data */

  int ptid;               /* parent's TID */
  int *tids;              /* array of task id */
  int nproc;              /* Number of processors */
  int size;               /* linear matrix size */
  int me;                 /* instance number in WORLD group */
  int i,j;
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);                   /* enroll in MPI */
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &me);

  grid->dim = (int) floor(sqrt(nproc) + 0.5);  /* get grid dimension */
  if (me == 0) {                     /* I am the master */ 
    /* check nproc */
    if (nproc != grid->dim * grid->dim) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Number of processes has to be a square.\n");
      MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
    /* check arguments */
    if (argc != 2) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s <matrix size> \n", argv[0]);
      MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);

    /* Get matrix size and check it */
    size      = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (size % grid->dim) {
      fprintf(stderr,"The grid dimension must divide the matrix size.\n");
      MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);

    /* broadcast matrix size */
    MPI_Bcast(&size, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  } else {       /* otherwise, receive data from node 0 */
    MPI_Bcast(&size, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  /* compute my local info */
  *mysize_p  =   size / grid->dim;
  grid->row    =  me / grid->dim;
  grid->col    =  me % grid->dim;

void MakeMatrix(int **C, int N, Grid grid) {
  /* initialize the local submatrix of size NxN */
  /* globally: Cglob(i,j) = k1 + k2*(i-j) + k3*i*j */
  /*   k1, k2, k3: as in the code */
  /* locally: iglob = i + row*N, jglob = j + col*N */

  int i,j; 
  int iglob, jglob; 
  int Nglob;
  int k1, k2, k3;
  int c1, c2, c3;
  /* Declare matrix storage in a one-dimensional array */
  *C     = (int *) malloc(N*N*sizeof(int));

  /* compute constants which describe the - global - matrix C */
  Nglob = N * grid.dim;
  k1    = (Nglob*(Nglob-1)*(2*Nglob-1))/6;
  k2    = (Nglob*(Nglob-1))/2;    
  k3    = -Nglob;
  c1    =  k1 + k2*N*(grid.row - grid.col) + k3*N*N*grid.row*grid.col;
  c2    =  k2 + k3*N*grid.col;
  c3    = -k2 + k3*N*grid.row;
  /* Initialize the matrix */
  for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
      (*C)[N*i + j] = c1 + c2*i + c3*j + k3*i*j;

int PrintTrace(int *C, int size, Grid grid) {
  /* computes and prints the trace of the result matrix */
  /* called only by "diagonal" tasks */
  int i, color;
  int root_tid;  /* tid of the master process */
  int root;      /* instance number of master in group DIAG */
  int me_diag;   /* my instance number in group DIAG */
  int local_trace;     /* local trace of matrix C */
  int trace;     /* global trace of matrix C */
  MPI_Group  diag_group, world_group;
  MPI_Comm   diag_comm;
  int  *diag_ranks;  /* array of ranks of diagonal group */
  /* construct group of diagonal processes and communicator for them */
  /* processes are sorted by row (or column) index) */
  color = (grid.row == grid.col)? 0 : MPI_UNDEFINED;
  MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, color, grid.row, &diag_comm);
  if (diag_comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
    return(-1);  /* task is not used for computation of the trace */
  /* compute local trace */
  local_trace = 0;
  for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
    local_trace += C[i*size+i];
  printf("*** local trace on (%d,%d): %d\n", grid.row, grid.col, local_trace);

  /* reduce local values to global trace */
  /* root is the task with rank 0 in world and diag group */
  MPI_Reduce(&local_trace, &trace, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, diag_comm);

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Peter Junglas 11.5.2000